Pre-cancerous skin lesions are caused by frequent exposure to UV light. This can be from direct sunlight or the use of tanning beds. A skin lesion that itches, bleeds, grows, burns or is raised or crusting can be worrisome and should be examined by a board-certified dermatologist. It may be difficult to distinguish between cancerous… read more
Skin cancer removal should be performed by a dermatologic surgeon and board-certified dermatologist. The tumor must be fully removed to prevent a chance of recurrence. Depending on the location, size, nature and type of skin cancer, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prepare a treatment plan for removal of the tumor. Surgery for skin… read more
As skin cells which produce pigment mutate and grow, the risk for the development of melanoma arises. Melanoma is the result of a tumor very similar in appearance to a mole but can grow quickly and even spread to other parts of the body. There is a high level of risk associated with Melanoma in… read more
If you are an individual who notices new growths of moles frequently due to natural disposition, genetics or even sun exposure, it is important to keep an eye on such developments on your skin. Even old moles that were once examined by a dermatologist, should be re-examined annually for changes in shape, size, texture and… read more
You may be confronted with early warning signs of skin cancer and be completely unaware. You may even know someone who has been personally affected by skin cancer. You may have a loved one who is struggling with it presently. For all these reasons and more, it is essential to identify the leading causes of… read more
Residents in Phoenix, Arizona can benefit from cosmetic, laser and surgical procedures offered by our board-certified dermatologists. From skin issues such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea to the treatment and removal of skin cancerous tumors, our doctors offer services tailored to each patient’s unique needs. If you live in Phoenix, it is very likely that you… read more
Sun exposure can create and expand the development of cancerous cells. Since the sun’s UV light causes damage to the skin and eyes, there are warning signs to be on the lookout for. Click here to learn more about skin cancer, the removal methods, the types of cancer cells and more. Sun exposure can cause… read more
Our team of dermatologic surgeons, nurses, and team are experienced to diagnose, treat and surgically remove any tumors, pre-cancerous skin lesions, dangerous or malignant moles, as well as any other unwanted or potentially worrisome growths on the skin. Various types of skin cancer can evolve or develop on different regions of the body and skin…. read more
Skin cancer is not necessarily a byproduct of age. Skin cancer is due to a combination of factors such as exposure to the sun, the environment, lack of health precautions and safety and more. Various types of skin cancer exist and with each one, a different threat level of harm is present. Basal cell carcinoma,… read more
For Americans, skin cancer is the most common form of carcinoma. Out of the three main forms of skin cancer — basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma — melanoma is the worst. It affects deeper layers of skin instead of resting at the surface, as well as having the dangerous ability to spread… read more
Unlike a few other surgical procedures for skin cancer, Mohs micrographic surgery is fast, effective, and easy to understand. Here are the four main stages which occur during Mohs Micrographic surgery which removes cancerous skin tissue. Stage 1: Removing Cancerous Tissue The surgeon who performs Mohs surgery removes any cancer that is visible on the… read more