Do you feel a bump on your skin but aren’t sure what it is? You may have a lipoma. Lipomas are benign tumors that form from fatty cells. While they are not dangerous, they can be unsightly and sometimes cause pain. If you think you have a lipoma, here’s what you need to know. What… read more
If you have a skin cyst, you probably dislike how it feels and looks. These hard nobs can be painful and make your skin look less than its best. While cysts are usually nothing serious (medically speaking), you may want to take them seriously if they bother you. What is a Cyst? Cysts are bumps… read more
Are you one of the people who grew up when it was “cool” to bake in the sun? It’s okay. You can admit it. After all, millions of people from your generation are right there with you. They’ve also accumulated sun damage. And with it the consequences, which include aged-looking skin and an increased risk… read more
You want to look your best this Valentine’s day, and that means glowing skin that radiates health from the inside out. You want to look great for YOURSELF (and of course, you want that special someone to notice, too). But how do you get your skin to look radiant fast? Especially if Valentine’s day is… read more
We explored how to avoid getting acne scars in our recent blog post, “Can You Clear Acne on Your Own.” That’s where we learned that two (out of six) types of acne–nodules, and cysts–leave SCARS. We learned how to prevent acne scars by seeing a dermatologist for an oral antibiotic. Let us mention at this… read more
You want your skin to radiate health, AND you don’t want to get skin cancer. Well, you can get both healthy skin and avoid skin cancer too. How? Eat. Healthy. Foods. Studies show their antioxidants, immune boosters, and anti-inflammatory properties in food will improve the look of your skin and could reduce your risk of… read more
So you have acne, and you want it gone. But how? Is it even possible to clear acne on your own? Some people say it is; others say you need to see a dermatologist. What’s the truth? The Skin and Cancer institute put together this guide to answer all these questions and more. Acne, by… read more
Let’s celebrate national healthy skin month this November with some ideas to keep your skin looking and feeling its best. Most of them center around avoiding the sun, which is responsible for 90 percent of visible signs of aging, like wrinkles. We’ll also talk about tips and tricks to help you maximize your moisture during… read more
How does pigmentation begin? Pigmentation or hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin darkens in patches or on a widespread basis. Pigmentation and hyperpigmentation can be the result of a combination of factors including hormones, sun exposure, inflammation, damage to the skin, and certain medications. When melanin or pigment is in overdrive and produced in excess from… read more
Acne is a very common skin condition that affects individuals of all skin types, and often leads to scarring and hyperpigmentation if not treated properly. What Causes Acne? When the dead skin collects on the surface of your face or body, hormones stimulate the production of sebum. This leads to the formation of white heads… read more
Several types of scars can result from trauma, injury, a burn, acne, or a skin condition. For example, a burn injury can lead to a contracture scar. A keloid scar could result from from a cut, wound or other injury. A surgical scar, piercing or tattoo could also cause a keloid to form. When the… read more
Today’s news is on healthy eating and how it can help with Psoriasis. Although you might not see a connection, psoriasis and healthy are more connected than you think. There are certain diets that may help your Psoriasis. There are different treatments plan when it comes to treating psoriasis and no one treatment plan works… read more