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Category: Cosmetic Procedures

Los Angeles Hair Loss Restoration is Now Available!

Our team of board-certified dermatologists and nurses offer hair restoration therapy for our male and female patients struggling with hair loss. Hair loss can result from hormonal changes, excess medications or consumption of vitamin A. As the body changes, so can the hormones controlling the growth of one’s hair. This is especially true or apparent… read more

What Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Can Do for Your Breasts, Abdomen, Body and Face

Plastic surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure available to our patients throughout California, Arizona and Nevada. Our team of cosmetic plastic surgeons can perform complex surgeries involving breast enhancement, augmentation, cup size reduction to aesthetic changes to the face and body. We offer various procedures with different treatment areas. For example, if you are interested… read more

Types of Medical Skin Treatments We Offer

LA Laser Center’s many office locations and practices offer an abundance of medical skin treatments and procedures. Below is a list of skin conditions and concerns we treat: Our treatments vary from laser use, surgical removal, liposuction, peels and other skin therapies. For example, we treat and remove fatty lumps called lipomas found in the… read more

Benefits of Photodynamic Treatment for your Skin’s Texture & Appearance

Photodynamic light therapy treatment is the latest advancement in dermatology for the improvement of one’s skin, fighting severe cases of acne. Acne, rosacea, acitinic keratosis and hyperplasia can also be targeted with this form of light therapy. During the Procedure A solution called Levulan is applied to the treatment area. The laser activates it, allowing… read more

Treat and Reduce Fine Lines with a Dermal Filler Called Restylane

Restylane treatments use a dermal filler that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and creates a fuller look to the skin. In addition to correcting and eliminating wrinkles, frown lines, smile lines and crow’s feet, patients under the care of our dermatologists turn to Restylane to create a fuller appearance to the lips… read more

Fight Hair Loss & See the Results with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy, or PRP therapy, is a dermatological treatment that helps skin heal faster, eliminates wrinkles, reduces dark circles under eyes, and encourages fresh hair growth in the scalp. Click here to learn more about the causes of hair loss and other potential treatments. This treatment uses a patient’s own blood platelets to improve… read more

How Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Can Treat Acne for All Ages

While acne is typically associated with adolescence, acne can also affect adults. Acne can affect one’s confidence and self-esteem, and in severe cases it can lead to painful facial lesions and cysts. Dermatologists have developed several ways to alleviate skin acne and other skin conditions. One affective method is acne photodynamic treatment, or PDT. This… read more

Microdermabrasion: A Powerful Exfoliant for your Face’s Pores, Spots & Wrinkles

Microdermabrasion is a far more powerful exfoliation than anything that can be performed at home with a scrub. It is a mechanical dermabrasion, utilizing a machine in the office of a dermatologist. Microdermabrasion is a sought-after technique, with a number of facial benefits. It will smooth rough skin and scarring, soften fine lines and wrinkles,… read more

VelaSmooth: Reduce Cellulite with Light and Radio Frequency

Cellulite is a problem that plagues most women, eighty percent have some form of these rippling fat deposits. Velasmooth is a treatment that helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is fat that is deposited directly below the dermis. The fat cells grow but the connective tissue between the fat cells does not, which creates… read more

Fill in Lines & Scars with Radiesse

LA Laser Center offers Radiesse for individuals who want to add volume to hollow areas of their face. The experienced dermatologists at LA Laser Center have extensive experience using Radiesse to give patients a more youthful look. Some of the benefits of Radiesse are that it is minimally invasive and is long-lasting. The main ingredient… read more

Refresh your Face with a DiamondGlow Treatment

DiamondGlow is a facial treatment that does not use lasers. It uses hydradermabrasion to clean your face while providing instant results. Additionally, it exfoliates and hydrates the skin. As it moisturizes your face, it also extracts impurities and uses antioxidants to protect the skin. The treatment is designed to be soothing, as opposed to being… read more

Ultherapy: The Non-Invasive Neck and Facial Skin Tightener

Getting a face lift is an invasive and often painful dermatological procedure. Ultherapy offers dermatologists another way to get these results without having to perform surgery. Ultherapy uses an ultrasound in order to help tighten and lift the skin of the face and neck. A dermatologist will use this ultrasound machine to stimulate the tissues… read more

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