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Love Your Skincare This Valentine’s Day

You want to look your best this Valentine’s day, and that means glowing skin that radiates health from the inside out. You want to look great for YOURSELF (and of course, you want that special someone to notice, too).  But how do you get your skin to look radiant fast? Especially if Valentine’s day is… read more

Everything You Need to Know About Treating Acne Scars

We explored how to avoid getting acne scars in our recent blog post, “Can You Clear Acne on Your Own.” That’s where we learned that two (out of six) types of acne–nodules, and cysts–leave SCARS. We learned how to prevent acne scars by seeing a dermatologist for an oral antibiotic.  Let us mention at this… read more

Skin-Healthy Foods to Look Radiant And Prevent Skin Cancer

You want your skin to radiate health, AND you don’t want to get skin cancer. Well, you can get both healthy skin and avoid skin cancer too. How? Eat. Healthy. Foods.  Studies show their antioxidants, immune boosters, and anti-inflammatory properties in food will improve the look of your skin and could reduce your risk of… read more

The Best Sunscreen For Every Body Part

You need the best sunscreen for every body part. That means what’s suitable for your arms and legs is not necessarily what’s best for your face and neck. So, which sunscreen do you put where? Stick with us as we explore the best sun protection for you–from head to toe, we’ve got you covered! The… read more

It’s National Cancer Prevention Month

In honor of National Cancer Prevention Month, let’s talk about skin cancer, the most common type in the world. More people get skin cancer than any other type of cancer. If you live to 70, there’s a one-in-five chance you’ll develop skin cancer. So how do you prevent it? How do you make sure you’re… read more

Can You Clear Acne on Your Own?

So you have acne, and you want it gone. But how? Is it even possible to clear acne on your own? Some people say it is; others say you need to see a dermatologist. What’s the truth? The Skin and Cancer institute put together this guide to answer all these questions and more.   Acne, by… read more

Botox, Dysport, And Xeomin Are Similar

Botox, Dysport, And Xeomin Are Similar – Here is How

People talk about Botox so much these days you’d think it was the only wrinkle relaxer on the market, but it’s not. Botox’s younger brand-name siblings, Dysport and Xeomin work in the same way and are just as effective (if less talked about) than Botox. This probably stems from the fact that the FDA approved… read more

Want Fuller, Longer Lashes? Get Latisse!

If you dream of thicker, longer lashes, you can get a medication from your dermatologist called Latisse that will give you just that. This can replace messy eyelash glue and false lashes, as well as pricey eyelash extensions. What is Latisse? Latisse is a medication for glaucoma that has a happy side effect—it makes eyelashes… read more

Nail Fungus is No Fun: Learn how to Prevent it.

Nobody likes nail fungus, whether it’s on their nails or someone else’s. It’s unsightly, doesn’t feel good, and it’s contagious. So at the Skin and Cancer Institute, we’ve put together a guide to show you how to keep from getting it–and what to do if you become infected. What is Nail Fungus Nail fungus is… read more

Treat Yourself to Laser Hair Removal This Christmas

What could be a greater gift to yourself this holiday season than laser hair removal?  At the Skin and Cancer Institute, you’ll get smooth, hairless skin—without tweezing, waxing, or shaving. And, it can be done anywhere on your body (face, underarms, chest, back and bikini area). You name the body part and our lasers can… read more

Precancerous Skin Lesions

Are Your Skin Growths Precancerous?

Precancerous skin lesions are not cancer but could become cancer over time. These lesions include actinic keratosis. Actinic Keratosis The most common form of precancer is actinic keratosis (AK). It is also known as solar keratosis because it’s caused by long-term exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. AKs can eventually develop into squamous cell… read more

What SkinPen Microneedling Can Do For You

SkinPen is a little tool that can make a big difference to your skin’s texture. We offer it to our patients at the Skin and Cancer Institute because we like how it can smooth acne scars and wrinkles and leave your skin glowing in as little as three sessions. What is SkinPen? SkinPen is a… read more

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