An angioma is a skin growth comprised of a collection of small blood vessels. They are fairly common and sometimes appear in groups of two or three.
In most cases, angiomas do not cause pain, but they can sometimes bleed or become irritated.
Angiomas are usually cosmetic. In rare cases, they can turn into more serious skin conditions. Talk to your doctor if you notice bleeding or changes in appearance, as these could be signs of skin cancer.
A cherry angioma is bright red, circular, and small. They range in size from a pinpoint to about a quarter of an inch in diameter. Some cherry angiomas appear smooth and even with the skin, while others are slightly raised.
The thin vessels of a spider angioma form a web like shape that are red, blue, or purple in color. Gently apply pressure to the vessels with your finger and they will disappear. Remove the pressure and they will reappear as blood begins flowing again.
Angiomas can form anywhere on the body. Common locations for angiomas include:
Electrodesiccation cannot be used on spider angiomas, but it can be an effective solution for cherry angioma removal. During treatment, an electric current is applied with a cauterizing tool to the angioma, burning and killing the raised vessels. The treated area will gradually heal, and the dead skin and scabs will naturally detach during the healing process. If a scar is left, it will be small and fade over time.
An effective solution for cherry angiomas, liquid nitrogen is applied with a cryogun, freezing and killing raised blood vessels. The treated area will gradually heal, and the dead skin and scabs will naturally detach during the healing process. If a scar is left, it will be small and fade over time.
When cherry angiomas are a specific size and texture, a specialist may decide to remove them by using the shave excision method. Rather than cutting deep into the skin, the lesion is gently shaved off with a specialized tool.
In some cases, a laser may be helpful in permanently removing angiomas that appear in highly cosmetic areas. This treatment is particularly effective for spider angiomas.