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Arizona Dermatologists & Skin Cancer Surgeons

Arizona Dermatologists & Skin Cancer Surgeons

Throughout Arizona, Skin And Cancer Institute has multiple practices and offers residents exceptional cosmetic treatments that deliver results. We also offer medical dermatology treatments to remove undesirable or dangerous growths on the skin such as lipomas and moles. We offer our patients an abundance of experience and results.

Cosmetic Services and Treatments at our Arizona Dermatology Practices

We offer cosmetic procedures like tattoo removal, scar treatments, micro-needling, microdermabrasion, hair restoration, facial, chemical peels, injectables or facial fillers and more. We perform treatments to the face and body to eliminate or treat pigmentation, dark spots, brown spots, dark circles, cellulite, discoloration and other issues with the texture of the skin. We use lasers such as the intense pulsed light laser, photodynamic (PDT) therapy, the Fractional C02 laser, ultrasound energy and more. For hair restoration, we offer our patients two distinct treatment methods: 1) platelet-rich plasma injections and 2) Advanced FUE hair transplantation. Our DiamondGlow is known to provide rich levels of moisture to rehydrate your skin back to a healthy state and feel. A combination of cosmetic treatments can be performed during the same visit. For example, laser treatments and microdermabrasion can be performed in one visit. Click here to learn about the entire list of cosmetic procedures we can perform.

Skin Conditions

Our practice is a leader in the dermatology field, providing our patients with quality care, diagnosis, and treatment plans. For skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Eczema, skin tags, skin warts, acne, and more, our dermatologists and nurses can assist in your care. Medical dermatologic conditions may warrant surgical intervention, laser therapy, cryotherapy or electrodesiccation and curettage. Lipomas for instance, consist of fat cells that grow rapidly. While not initially dangerous (determined by a biopsy), a lipoma can grow and evolve into a dangerous growth posing a risk for scarring and more difficult removal down the road. In such a scenario, a large-sized lipoma would be removed by our dermatologic surgeons. Melasma, rosacea, Molloscum Contagiosum and other skin changes can also be treated by our dermatologists in Arizona.

Skin Cancer Removal and Detection

From the removal of moles to skin cancer screenings and examination of new growths, our practices provide exceptional professionalism and care towards our patients. We also perform skin cancer removal surgery using a variety of techniques. For skin cancer present on the face, we typically use Mohs micrographic surgery, a popular procedure with a high success rate. Other treatment methods include electrodesiccation and curettage and cryotherapy.

Plastic Surgery for the Face, Body and Breasts

We also proudly provide certain plastic surgery procedures including facial surgeries such as the eyelid blepharoplasty (for sagging eyelids), facelift and necklift. Breast enhancement surgeries are also available services we offer.

We perform breast lifts, breast reduction and breast augmentation with our in-house board-certified plastic surgeons. Breast augmentation or breast lift surgery would benefit a mother post-partum or after years of nursing and breastfeeding. New mothers see a significant change to their breasts after delivery and likely see sagging and deflated breasts when their nursing journey is complete. Breast reduction would be recommended for women with large breasts who suffer secondary pain as a result, such as back pain causing an inability or difficulty to perform daily activities.

For the body, there are multiple procedures as well including liposuction, tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift, body sculpting and more. Liposuction can be performed the traditional surgical way by a cannula as well as the less-invasive method known as VaserLipo. A tummy tuck can tone and define the abdominal muscles by removing excess skin after a liposuction procedure for example. A combination of these cosmetic procedures can be done during the same surgery to eliminate double-recovery times.

Contact Skin And Cancer Institute’s Arizona practices today to schedule your appointment.

We offer services throughout Arizona:

Mohave CountyPhoenixMaricopa CountyGilbertMaricopaSun City WestMesaKingmanChandlerLake HavasuGoodyear

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