Posted by: Skin And Cancer Institute in Uncategorized
It’s normal to lose up to 100 hairs each day. This hair is replaced by new hair growing in, so it’s not noticeable. It’s when you lose your hair faster than it’s replaced that it becomes visibly thin and bald. That’s where the dermatologists at the Skin and Cancer Institute can help. They have two techniques for hair restoration that will work whether you’re male or female (yes, women lose their hair, too).

What is Hair Loss?
Hair loss happens when the regular hair growth cycle is disrupted, and the follicle dies. The result is fewer active hair follicles per square inch of scalp, making the hair look thin or bald.
Factors That Can Cause Hair Loss
You can lose your hair as a result of a medical condition, hormonal changes, heredity, or other factors that include:
- Medications for high blood pressure, gout, heart problems, depression, arthritis, and cancer.
- Hairstyles that pull on the hair like cornrows.
- A stressful event can cause the hair to loosen and fall out temporarily.
Hair Restoration Specialists
Dermatologists are hair restoration specialists. They’re trained to diagnose and treat hair loss. At the Skin and Cancer Institute, our dermatologists have two effective techniques for hair restoration: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and Follicular unit extraction (FUE).
PRP Comes From Your Own Body
Platelet-rich plasma comes from your blood. Your dermatologist will draw a small amount of blood in a vial and place it in a centrifuge machine. This separates the beneficial plasma from the rest of your blood.
Platelet-Rich Plasma
Also known as PRP, platelet-rich plasma can restore your hair. It contains natural growth factors that will activate your hair follicles to begin regrowing when it’s injected into your scalp.
FUE Hair Transplantation
During FUE, micro punches take individual hair units from a thick-haired donor area on the scalp to a bare spot. The FUE Hair system is non-invasive because it transplants individual hair units with no stitches or scarring.
No “Hair Plugs” Look
The FUE technique does not leave the same “hair plug” look as follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Instead, it looks natural, which is why our dermatologists rely on this technique.
Good Candidates For FUE
You may be a good candidate for FUE if you have an area of dense hair at the back of your head to donate to a spot that is thinning or bald. The denser the donor hair site, the thicker the results. You’re not a good candidate if your entire head of hair is thinning.
Your dermatologist’s advanced hair restoration techniques are helpful if you’re losing hair faster than your body can replace it. We have two methods for hair restoration that will work whether you are male or female: platelet-rich plasma and FUE hair transplantation. Our dermatologists are hair restoration specialists. Contact us today to begin your journey to a fuller head of hair.